Sammy Miller Museum

This was more of a ride-out than a cafe visit as 500-odd Triumphs decended on the Sammy Miller Museum for an event organised by the Triumph RAT groups in southern England.

With the bike park overflowing, the driveway overflowing and bikes parked in the carpark, sampling the cafe was always going to be difficult. However, we did our bit, queued for 20 minutes and ordered two bacon rolls and coffee. Then waited 20 minutes for them to arrive.

To be fair, they were overwhelmed by the attendance and we had insisted on ordering from the cafe rather than the BBQ outside (which had a longer queue but was dispensing burgers and rolls far more quickly, obviously without the need to serve roast meals and a full menu to the other customers…)

Not a very large picture I’m afraid – It’s from his website as there’s no way I could get a representative photo on the day…

Here are some pictures of the parts of the museum that interested me most (you can tell that I’m a child of the 70’s?)

I like cylinders - lots of them!

1000/6 from Honda (of course…)

I like cylinders – the more the merrier!

250/4 from Benelli

1000/4   (Ariel Square Four)

50/4 (yes, really…)

Some of Bulldog RAT